Serving Domestic & Global Markets

Coil Fed Press Line Applications

COE serves a wide variety of domestic and global markets and industries including automotive, metal processing, HVAC, contract stampers, appliance, lighting, housewares, lawn and garden, tool and die builders, and many others. Learn more about the applications using our coil press feed equipment and other machines that serve the metal stamping industry.

Built for Constrained Spaces
COE has developed a series of straighteners specifically meant to effectively address the coil set issues, and crossbow issues in many cases, required to achieve the flatness required to process high strength, high yield materials.


AHSS Retrofit Solution
COE’s coil feed press equipment helps companies deal with everything from coated coil that must be handled with care to structural steel used in construction applications.


Save Money, Cut Your Own Blanks
COE’s CTLMaster Cut-to-Length lines deliver a complete integrated coil feed press line at a value price. 


Advanced Tools for Roll Formers
COE’s SERVOMASTER® standard control package includes advanced tools specifically developed for roll formers to take control of their coil feed press equipment.


Faster Setup, Changeover & Training
Our leading edge controls are designed to reduce time and improve quality even before a single coil is run.


Coil Processing in the EV World

At COE, over half our customers are in the automotive industry and we have provided coil processing solutions to today’s EV market leaders.


Leveler Quality at Straightener Cost
COE’s “Fineblanking Edition” HD straightener can achieve the precision and flatness typically only achieved by a leveler to produce near net shape blanked parts.


Addressing Needs of Metal Service Centers
Service centers can now save substantial money in their coil straightening operations by investing in a COE Precision Straightener for Service Centers.