COE Press


COE Press Equipment HD Straightener
The use of materials with tensile strengths of more than 1,000 megapascal (MPa) continues to grow. These metals have a greater tendency than mild steel to retain coil set and crossbow and to have tighter tolerances between yield and tensile strength. Coil feed equipment older than five years typically does not deliver enough force...
COE Press Equipment has announced the appointment of Guy Spencer as regional sales manager serving the Southwest United States and Mexico. In this position, Spencer will be responsible for sales development and for supervising Coe Press distributors in his territory, keeping them appraised of new equipment and service offerings, working with them on pricing, and...
Reid Coe Headshot
COE Press Equipment has announced the appointment of Reid Coe to president, assuming the position that was vacated by Hunter Coe in September when he was appointed CEO, replacing their father John Coe. As president, Reid will work with the executive team, overseeing that operations are aligned to effectively achieve the company’s growth strategies.
Coe Eagle on Dark Background
With the focus on lightweighting across industries, especially in automotive, the use of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) with tensile strengths of 1,000-plus MPa has increased exponentially. Recent analyst forecasts predict that these steels will represent 40 percent of vehicle content on body and closures by 2025. Although proven as a reliable solution for reducing weight...
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Illustration of full COE Coil Processing Line.
In booth #A5412 at FABTECH 2017, COE Press Equipment is demonstrating its SYNCMaster™ integrated controls package capability. Visitors will be able to experience the user interface and see how the system allows an operator to control many of the servo feed, straightener, and coil reel setups and functions from a single touchscreen, increasing efficiency and...
COE Press Equipment is inviting you to visit booth #5412 at FABTECH 2017 and get “pinned” to the map for a COE service team road tour visit. Posted in the booth is a mural-sized map of North America where COE will chart its course as companies sign up to participate in the road tour.
Manufacturing Day students in front of COE Press
COE Press Equipment hosted 18 students from Chippewa Valley High School (Utica, Mich.) on Manufacturing Day, Oct. 6, providing them insight into the types of careers available in manufacturing. The tour began with an overview of COE’s role in the manufacturing supply chain. The students were then split into smaller groups that rotated through informative...
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month Square Graphic Pink
Jenny Pulice is the loving wife of Mike Pulice. Mike has worked at COE for decades and his family is a part of our family. Jenny has battled cancer in the past, and was recently diagnosed again. We want to support them in every way possible. Please visit their GO FUND ME page and donate...
Hunter Coe
Hunter Coe joins the 2016 class of 30 in Their Thirties that offer products and services from Michigan that span the world, from private jet charters to residential development to web design to the rebuilding of Detroit.
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