Dedication to Service Through Our

Regional Coil Feed Line Service Hubs

COE’s dedication to service has been unparalleled in the industry with a “we never walk away until it’s right” mentality. We’re now taking that one step further with the establishment of Regional Service Hubs throughout North America dedicated to providing even better attention to our coil feed line customers and potential customers. Equipped with custom-designed service vans stocked with tools and standard replacement components, our technicians are focused on providing efficient and personal service throughout their territories.


Service Hub

The Detroit Service Hub serves Michigan, Northern Ohio, and Indiana.  Our skilled team of technicians offer an in-depth understanding of coil processing applications, troubleshooting, equipment maintenance and repair.

COE Technical Support

Bowling Green

Service Hub

The Bowling Green Service Hub is managed by Regional Service Technician Aaron Whitworth. Aaron has been with Coe for five years is experienced in all aspects of feed line operation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair. This center’s service reach includes Kentucky, Tennessee, southern Ohio, and southern Indiana. 

Fernando Alvarado

Monterrey Mexico

Service Office

Fernando Alvarado runs our service office in Monterrey, serving installations throughout Mexico. He joined COE after having been a service engineer for nearly 20 years working in the metal forming and pipeline industries throughout Mexico. Prior to that he was maintenance supervisor in charge of all plant technicians at a leading manufacturer of structural and mechanical steel pipes. Alvarado has an Electronic and Communication Engineer degree from Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, UANL.


COE’s establishment of a dedicated Mexico service office illustrates our commitment to this region. Beyond robust, high-performance equipment, customers can expect the highest level of responsiveness to training, installation and aftermarket service needs at the moment you need it. Our experience and capability can help your Mexico-based facilities make operational gains.

  • We have installed over 400 pieces of equipment in Mexico since 1995.
  • We maintain a dedicated service office in Monterrey, staffed by engineers with over 20 years’ experience in the metal forming industry throughout Mexico and an in-depth understanding of COE’s equipment.
  • We offer service to COE Mexico customers 24 hours/day and seven days a week

El establecimiento de una oficina de servicio dedicado en México por parte de COE demuestra nuestro compromiso con esta región. Más allá de nuestro robusto equipo de alto desempeño, los clientes pueden esperar el mayor nivel de respuesta en cuanto a las necesidades de servicios de capacitación, instalación y post venta en el momento que lo necesiten. Nuestra experiencia y capacidad pueden ayudar a sus instalaciones con sede en México a obtener ganancias operativas.  Tenemos:

  • instaladas más de 400 piezas de equipo en México desde 1995.
  • una oficina de servicio dedicado en la ciudad de Monterrey,  con ingenieros que tienen más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria de conformados en metal en todo México y un conocimiento profundo de los equipos de Coe.
  • servicio a clientes de COE México las 24 horas del día y los siete días de la semana.