Uncoiling, straightening and feeding material to the press are certainly the basics of coil processing.  However, there is a lot of engineering and nuance behind each of these processes and the equipment that performs them. These resources are designed to quickly provide you understanding of various aspects of coil processing and the equipment choices that are available, all aimed at helping you in your role.

If you have a subject matter you’d like to see covered, just fill out our contact form, and we’ll get it on our list.



Considerations Particular to Coil Stock

Coil stock has become well established within the metalworking industry over the past few decades. There are numerous advantages processing coil stock. As positive as all of this is, however, there various material conditions unique to coil stock. Understanding each of these potential issues and how to avoid or deal with them will help keep your operations at their best.

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Slack Loops

With coil processing equipment, feeders can generally respond much more quickly than most uncoilers, also known as coil reels. In some cases, the uncoiler is additionally required to straighten. For an uncoiler to respond as quickly as a feeder does would require a much larger drive as well as the ability to position. This is why most systems have a slack loop.

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Determining Optimal Coil Weight

One of the primary decisions that must be made when selecting a coil feed system is choosing the correct coil weight capacity. The run time between coil changes factored with the amount of time it takes for a coil change will help you to determine the optimum coil weight for your operation. 

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Effectively Straightening Advanced Materials

The most challenging step in the process of delivering AHSS sheet to the press is straightening. We see this as the biggest need in the industry today, and the biggest shortcoming of the equipment that’s been manufactured and in use by stampers during the last 30 years or so.

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All About Coil Reels


Coil Containment

Because you’re dealing with the most amount of weight and the most amount of strength, if coil is not contained properly, the result can be catastrophic. Watch this video to learn more about the importance of coil containment and how COE can help you keep your operations running smoothly.


Coil Reels

Coiling sheet metal has proven to be the most efficient way to make a product on the same strip with the least amount of downtime. Coil reel machines come in two versions. Watch this video to learn more about the features and functionality of Coil Reels.


Coil Cars

Sheet metal is everywhere. It’s in your kitchen, your car, and at the airport. The most cost effective way to handle sheet metal is in coils, and the coil car gives you the ability to load the coils for use. Watch this video to learn more about the features and functionality of Coil Cars.

All About Coil Reels

All About Servo Roll Feeds


Basic Makeup of Roll Feed

Watch this video to learn about the basic makeup of a roll feed.


What is a Roll Feed?

What is a Roll Feed? A comprehensive overview of the servo roll feed includes basic componentry, roll feed styles, setup, operating parameters, how feeds impact the overall coil processing operation, and a brief history of stamping.


Control Side of Things

Find out how the servo motor and encoder control speed and positioning of the coil feed.


Servo Roll Feed

Get a brief history of sheet metal stamping leading to the introduction of the servo feed.


Deeper Level of Servo Roll Feed

This video provides more information on controlling the motion of the servo feed including the various components involved and how they all communicate.


Troubleshooting Servo Roll Feed

Learn how to set up the servo roll feed properly including die alignment, coil centering and setting the feed window and pilot window on the controls.


Troubleshooting Slippage

Learn about what causes slippage and mechanisms that can be put in place to ensure proper servo roll feed setup.


What is Piloting?

A quick overview of pilot release adjustment and its importance in a progressive die application.

All About Servo Roll Feeds