Four Star Tooling Receives Servo Feed

COE Press Equipment has recently shipped and installed an 18” Series 2 Servo Feed to Four Star Tooling and Engineering (Sterling Heights, Mich.) a manufacturer of clamps, baffles, brackets, flat springs, clips, washer, and wire forms.

The Servo Feed is designed to process 18” wide coils of mild steel of up to 40,000 PSI yield in thicknesses from .020” to 0.156”, depending up the material width. It can achieve a roll speed of 580 feet/minute with a feed accuracy of +/- 0.003”

The system features the ServoMaster Touch™ Controller, which easily integrates with press controls to provid a complete control system with single point entry for all job specific parameters. Based upon a modular design, COE’s servo feeds offer ease of maintenance and the flexibility to reconfigure machine options should a customer’s needs change.  

COE also provided all installation, setup and training to Four Star.