New SyncMaster Integrated Controls

COE Press Equipment has announced its new SyncMaster™ controls package for integrated coil feed lines, allowing operators to control many of the servo feed, straightener, and coil reel setups and functions from a single location. This ability to work from a single touchscreen increases efficiency and decreases the chance of error.

“This is a highly capable system that provides features typically only included with fully-integrated PLC-based systems, all at a lower price point,” said Steve Donnay, COE director of sales and marketing.

The SyncMaster system includes a coil reel, a power straightener with an AC drive and PLC that controls the straightener and reel, and communicates with the servo feed. The servo feed has a touchcreen HMI that controls the feed and communicates via Ethernet with the straightener and reel.

Some of the capabilities and benefits of a SyncMaster system include:

  • Integration of the coil feed system – servo feed, straightener and reel
  • Mode control and jogging of the straightener from the feeder HMI
  • Laser loop monitoring and control configurable from the feeder HMI
  • Thread table raise and lower control from the feeder HMI
  • Line speed averaging to avoid stopping/starting of the straightener
  • Automatic lubrication control and mandrel expansion configurable from feeder HMI
  • Automatic drag brake setting for the coil reel that’s set-up by job recipe
  • Tight loop sensing and interlock to the feeder to stop production
  • Loop feed fault detection to stop straightener if feeder isn’t running
  • System E-stop control from both feeder and straightener operating stations

The SyncMaster Controller features a user-friendly 5.7” VGA color touchscreen interface featuring a selectable scale for feed lengths, passline height, and edge guides. Additional capabilities include 400-job set memory, automatic speed compensation, fault display and history, and more. For additional information, visit and download a SyncMaster flyer.

Illustration of Full COE Press Equipment Coil Processing Line